The Easiest Way to Learn Guitar

What are the pits a starting out artist must watch out for when they want to learn to play guitar? The first thing is that in the beginning it’s not much fun, and since the fingers are not accustomed to it and there will be pain. It’s not a lot of fun when you’re learning to play the right cords with sore fingers. The easiest way to learn guitar is by following a few simple guidelines.

So, getting the right cords in the beginning can be hard and discouraging from time to time, but as it’s been said for centuries, “no pain no gain.” This is something that all new guitar players will have to go through in their yearning to learn to play guitar. To assist you in your pursuit in learning to play the guitar I’ve covered a few things you should keep in your mind.​

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Patience is a Must!​

Just tell yourself you are going to give this a bit of patience. Learning guitar is basically about ordering your fingers to do some earth shattering things they aren’t used to doing, as your face follows. (Here’s what I mean in this funny YouTube Video)​

That’s it! You don’t need a Ph.D., but it surely takes some devotion and time!

​When your face is ready, set aside an hour or two a day in the beginning and grow from there.Soon you’ll be grooving.I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage that “practice makes perfect,” and that is also the mind set you need to incorporate while learning to play guitar.

Practice Makes Perfect​

​Keep in mind that you can learn to play guitar by consistent practicing, and standing the guitar up against the wall for show in your family room does not make you a guitarist.

If playing guitar is brand new to you just accept the fact it can look a bit overpowering, but take it from me when I say that it is pretty simple and fun to do if you are able to get past the learning curve.

It all comes down to get cracking and working your way through the basics, and then you’ll see playing guitar is really about part of who you are. When you have reached that point you’ll discover that there’s nothing more rocking as playing your own music on your own guitar.​

how to hold an acoustic guitar

Set the Stage Mentally​

​First off in your mind, be sure to get the basic learning curve out of the way on your own. I’m not stating that you never should use a teacher or somebody to help you. I just want to point out that it would be advisable to learn some basics before taking perhaps group classes.

​Learning to play guitar will satisfy you more when you have a good guitar.This is truly significant, and naturally you’ll be able to buy yourself a guitar on the flea market for under $200. But that does not make your efforts to learn guitar any better.

Don’t be Cheap​

If you’re serious in studying the guitar then you need to make a decent investment. It does not have to be the best quality and costliest guitar on the market, but do yourself a favor and be a bit “picky,” if you will.The guitar for you will allow for your face to follow your picking, and this alone will keep you grinning and longing to move up to newer heights.

Check out our guide to finding the perfect guitar.

Noticing Mistakes​

Many people are under the impression that playing guitar will be more fun once they are able to play a certain song, do a specific technique, or achieve some massive guitar goal they set out to accomplish. My personal feeling is the opposite.

​I know firsthand that focusing on overcoming mistakes, without berating yourself, makes the guitar easier to learn and delightful to play. So be easy on yourself. To do this means switching focus from product to process.

Product to Process​

Focusing on discipline and practice while noticing mistakes and fixing them, is an example of process-oriented thinking. This mindset might be quite a bit different than what you are used to. Process oriented thinking has been around for centuries in many different cultures and many different contexts.

​Process-oriented practicing is no different, and it’s really fun once you get used to it, too. Once it starts going, you start to look at practicing as a chance to take a break from your life and watch yourself become a stronger guitar player, day after day.

One of our favorite video guitar instructors is Justin Guitar. He has tons of videos on techniques, skills, and songs to master!​

You can also check out TakeLessons Beginner’s Guide to Guitar Terms to memorize new terms quickly!​

easy guitar terms

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